Concealed Carry Course
Course Description
This course is at least 4 hours long and includes both classroom and range components. It helps you to develop your own personal protection plan and understand conflict avoidance and situational awareness. It covers the basics of a self-defense firearm and teaches you defensive shooting fundamentals. It provides an understanding of the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a guide to gear and gadgets. You will receive a certificate of achievement and all necessary forms to apply for your concealed weapons license in the state of Florida.
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Click here to register for class!
Minimum course length 4 hours | Attend Class
Course Content:
Course Content:
- Agenda
- Statistics and Trends
- Defining a personal protection plan
- Why conflict avoidance is so important
- Situational awareness
- The color codes of awareness
- Areas to avoid
- Cover, concealment, and an exit strategy
- How a permit to carry fits
- Universal safety rules
- Clearing a semi-automatic
- Clearing a revolver
- Defining a gun’s action
- Understanding revolvers
- Understanding semi-automatics
- Modern, striker-fired handguns
- Understanding magazines
- Ammunition components
- Other measurements
- Ammunition care and storage
- Common ammunition malfunctions
- Clearing semi-auto malfunctions
- Defensive shooting versus marksmanship
- Proper grip
- Shooting platform
- Aligning the muzzle to the target
- Unsighted fire, point shooting
- Flash sight picture
- Sighted fire
- Defining reasonable force and deadly force
- Detailed definitions of deadly force rules including scenarios
- What prosecutors will want to know
- Defending the home
- Defending property
- Understanding fight or flight
- Effects of adrenaline and endorphines
- Recognizing a threat
- Issuing commands and evaluating options
- When we’re left with no other choice
- When the right to use deadly force ends
- The immediate aftermath
- Phone calls to make
- When the police arrive
- Statement to the police
- During and after your arrest
- Advice for your lawyer
- Holster retention
- Hip holsters
- Paddle holsters
- Pocket holsters
- Inside the waistband holsters
- Belts
- Tactical flashlights
- Guns safes and storage
- Dry firing
- Fundamental drill discussion
- Discussion of what’s next
Concealed Weapons Training, Inc. 3611 SW 143rd Ave, Miami, Florida 33175